About Me

My name is Magdoleen Meleka.

I love people, new encounters, creative projects and this insane journey called life. I’ve learned to accept pain as part of growth and development and (for whatever reason) this has been a major part of my personal formation. I don’t have a perfect, easy life but I have a loving family, strong community and I’m quite aware of all the wonderful blessings God provides.

Because of God’s goodness and sovereignty, I find a reason to be positive. Though we cannot always see what is up ahead, I trust in God. Period. Out of this space, I love encouraging others towards hope. I live this out in my career choices, volunteer work and artistic expressions. This is why I started my blog – I wanted to share hope and joyful things with others and create a space for mutual edification and encouragement.

Now, on to some details about my life…

When I met my husband in 2013, I entered into what I call the “Happy Chapters” of my life. He is a rock and wonderful source of wisdom, stability and FUN!

Some highlights:

  • In 2014 – my husband proposed and I began working at a Theological Seminary.
  • In 2015 – we got married
  • In 2016 – my husband was ordained a priest in the Coptic Orthodox Church
  • In 2017 – we bought a house

Currently, life consists of working, finishing my MA in Theology, service at church, some travel adventures, and the occasional domestic duties (though this is rare and mostly not up to par).

Lastly, I’m looking forward to journeying through life with whoever comes upon this site.

