
The Glory of God is a human becoming fully alive
 St. Irenaeus 


Even if we have thousands of acts of great virtue to our credit, our confidence in being heard must be based on God’s mercy and His love for men. Even if we stand at the very summit of virtue, it is by mercy that we shall be saved.
—St. John Chrysostom


“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
—Mother Teresa 


Help is on the way, dear!!!
— Mrs. Doubtfire 


“To love Christ -means not to be a hireling, not to look upon a noble life as an enterprise or trade, but to be a true benefactor and to do everything only for the sake of love for God.”
—St John Chrysostom


Remember, never to fear the power of evil more than your trust in the power and love of God.
—Hermas, one of the Seventy