Why the Name?
When I was a child, I hated my name. My mom says she didn’t plan a name but when she looked at me for the first time, the perfect name came to mind. Growing up, I felt it was too much of an “adult name.” When I entered High School, I began to love my name because of it’s meaning and uniqueness.
My name is Magdoleen. Initially, I appreciated that it is biblical. Two main points:
- Magdala was a city on the western boarder of the Sea of Galilee, and
- Mary Magdalene (aka Mary of Magdala), was a female character in Scripture who has an incredible story…after all, she was the first to see the resurrected Christ!
But besides all of this, the meaning of this semitic word is why I really love this name.
Magdala means “Glory” (Magd) “[of] God” (Allah).
My name (and this domain) are a perfect reflection of the content I hope to post here. Whether I post personal reflections, biblical commentary, photos or songs, I pray that your experience here will be edifying.
Whatever I do, whatever I say, whatever I post, I hope to do all for the GLORY OF GOD (1 Cor. 10:31).